Egypt in Illustration

A new day has come, and we are standing on the threshold of a brighter tomorrow. The truth that was crushed to the earth, concealed in iron vaults and omitted from educational textbooks is now rising. Egypt In Illustration has taken a giant step at this time to set the record straight through positive images of Kings and Queens that reflect the African diaspora. Our educational materials provide the richness of our cultural heritage through many historical facts on Africa in general. It is our duty to educate our own and time demand that we take heed. We must cultivate our children’s minds then plant the seeds. For they are the architects of tomorrow and we must give them the tools to build a strong foundation on solid ground for a sound nation. It is the truth that we stand up for and just remember that EGYPT IS IN AFRICA.

We invite you to explore the beautiful and colorful prints that can be used as a décor for your home or as a teaching tool for your children.


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